Job Application Package: Cover Letter, Resume, Follow Up

It's interesting to take a look at an entire job application package
- the resume and cover letter (targeted towards the position applied
for), and the thank you letter, which asks for a second interview,
as well as reiterates the candidate's interest in the job. The
candidate was kind enough to share her application materials with us
and it's important to note that they worked. The cover letter was
focused on the job she was applying for and the resume reflects her
relevant skills. The thank you letter sent after her interview,
expressed her interest in securing a second interview and, like her
prior materials, showed why she was an excellent fit for the
writing service that is 100% guaranteed to get you more interviews
& job offers. In today's job market you need a perfect resume
to compete. Your new resume will get you hired! Click
here to get a free cover letter |
like to expand our collection of resumes, cover letters and CVs. If
you have a curriculum vitae, resume or letter that you're proud of,
I'd like to consider adding it to our samples. Simply
send it to me via email, along with the form giving us
permission to use it. I'm looking for samples that reflect all
levels of job seekers - from students to experienced professionals.
If you're concerned about privacy, let me know, and I'll edit or
remove your personal information. Thanks in advance for your help!
If you're looking for
resume, cover letter or curriculum vitae samples to review, take
a look at these free sample resumes, cover letters, curriculum
vitae, resignation letters, thank you letters, letters to accept, or
decline a new job, and more career-related letters you can use for
your job search correspondence.
Minimum Wage Increase
minimum wage has increased in several states as of January 1,
2007. States with increases include: Arizona - $6.75, California -
$7.50, Ohio - $6.85, Colorado - $6.85, Delaware - $6.65, Missouri
-$6.50, Montana - $6.15, New York - $7.15, Vermont - $7.53, and
Washington - $7.93.
The federal minimum wage hasn't changed. It remains at $5.15 an
hour. However, Congress will be working on raising it this year. If
an employee is subject to both the state and federal
minimum wage laws, the employee is entitled to the higher of the
two minimum wages.
Related Resources
I discuss professional
job searching frequently. Sometimes, I even think I talk about
it too often. I've mentioned that your voicemail message needs to
sound professional, as does your email address. One more thing that
I've noticed that could (and should) be more professional is your IM
Screen Name. More and more people are using Instant Messenger
services for networking, and for talking to recruiters and potential
Some of the milder ones I have heard recently (and this is in a
professional capacity) are littlewildone, suchapooper, and
kissesalot. They're not terrible, but, you can be creative and make
a much better impression than they did on someone who may able to
help with your job search. Review our job search
toolkit to make sure all your job search related communications
are polished and professional, as well as our advice on how to use
Instant Message to job search.
Before you send your cover letter, review this
Cover Letter Checklist to make sure that you have covered all
the basics and are sending a perfect cover letter to your
prospective employer.
You only get one chance to make a good impression, so it's
important to make sure all your materials are in order. Paying
attention to detail is really important when job searching, because
I can guarantee that the resume and cover letter reviewer will
notice any little mistake. And any mistake could get your resume
into the "no" pile instead of the "interview" pile.
Start the New Year on the Right Track!
The start of a new year is always a good time to assess where you
stand with
job hunting, where you are in your job search, and to get
started on a search or to get back on track. If you're considering a
change, this is a good time to decide whether the timing is right
for you to begin a quest for a new job or career, and, if so, to get
It is also the time when we typically consider some resolutions
for the future. Some of the top experts in job searching and career
development have been kind enough to share their advice on how to
effectively job search with us. Considering adding some, or all,
of them to your list of New Year's Resolutions.
What do Google, JP Morgan, Accenture, and Goldman Sachs have in
common? Besides being top ranked companies, they all have partnered
Teach for America to actively recruit Teach for America corps
members after their two year commitment. In fact, both Google and JP
Morgan have recruiting partnerships, where new hires can defer their
start date until after they have served with Teach for America.
If you're a college senior who wants to make a difference in the
lives of children, and their families, who wants to change education
in America for the better, and who wants a life changing first job
experience, Teach for America is well worth considering. Check with
the Career Services office at your school to see if a visit is
planned to your campus or visit
Teach for America online for more information.
It's important to have a system in place when you start a job
search. And this is a good time of year to get organized. If you set
up a
job search system, it will help you expedite your job search.
Start by searching the job search engines, top job sites, your local
job sites, and the job sites that focus on your career field(s) of
interest each and every day. Set up job search agents, so you are
notified about new positions via email. You might think you are
duplicating efforts, but you're not. Not every search generates the
same results and you don't want to miss what might be a perfect job
New jobs are posted all the time so you need to stay on top of
what's available so you can beat the crowd and get your application
in early!
Many of us take time off, for one reason or another, from working.
Sometimes, it's by choice. In other cases, it can take time to find
a new job. What the best way to explain an employment gap on your
resume? It depends on the situation and what you did while you
weren't employed. Here's some advice on how to handle a
resume gap.
Writing a good cover letter is one of the hardest parts of a job
search. Your cover letter needs to be targeted, error free, and
compelling, and it's got to make an impression in just the few
seconds an employer will take to review it. Here's how to
write an effective cover letter, along with
sample cover letters, formats, and examples.